These Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites Really Work. You Will Get Rid of the Swelling Faster

    These Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites Really Work. You Will Get Rid of the Swelling Faster

    2:09 AM EDT, September 4, 2022, updated: 2:52 PM EDT, September 5, 2022

    Mosquitoes, ubiquitous in summer, are particularly troublesome. They leave behind painful bites that everyone feels like scratching all the time. Learn about home remedies for mosquito bites and make the blisters stop itching.

    Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

    • Lime or lemon juice will bring relief (it has a disinfectant effect). Make poultices of it, but remember not to expose the juice-smeared area to sunlight.
    • Rubbing the blisters with a used and squeezed tea bag will also relieve the itching.
    • If you like basil, take a few leaves and crush them in your hands. Then apply them to mosquito bites. Basil will reduce the pain and has a cooling effect.
    • Honey for its anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates wound healing. So lubricate the blisters with sticky honey.
    • Of course, you can also apply ice to the itchy spots. It has a cooling effect, shrinks the blood vessels and makes the swelling disappear quickly and the redness less visible.
    • If you don't mind the smell of apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton ball in it and apply to the bumps. Vinegar has a slightly acidic reaction and therefore is excellent at relieving itching.
    • Prepare a thick paste from one aspirin tablet and water. Apply it to the bites. Acetylsalicylic acid is known for its anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it relieves pain.
    • Aloe vera also has unparalleled pain-relieving effects. Rub the bites with a gel made from this plant. Aloe vera will regenerate and moisturize the skin and reduce redness.

    The Mosquitoes That Bite

    There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes in the world. Interestingly, only females are lustful for human and animal (they bite mammals, lizards, other insects) blood. They need the protein in it to lay their eggs. Driven by instinct and wanting to close the reproductive cycle, they intensively search for prey and bite extremely painfully. In contrast, male mosquitoes strongly prefer flower nectar to blood.