How to Check the Moisture Content of a Lawn in Hot Weather? The Screwdriver Test Is Quick and Always Works

    Summer temperatures often exceed 86°F. Then all plants are craving for water. This applies not only to vegetables or potted flowers. During hot weather, the lawn should not be forgotten. A trick with a long screwdriver will help you check if your lawn is sufficiently hydrated.

    How to Check the Moisture Content of a Lawn in Hot Weather? The Screwdriver Test Is Quick and Always Works

    Every avid gardener knows that harsh sun and lack of rain are fatal to any lawn. When the drought is prolonged the beautiful green lawn begins to dry out more and more. If we do not react, we can look forward to scorched and ugly-looking spots in front of the house. How to remedy this?

    Watering in Morning

    During hot weather it is extremely important to properly care for the lawn. It should be watered in the early morning hours. It is important not to sprinkle only the grass blades themselves, but to water the soil decently. And don't worry about accidentally overwatering the soil. This is actually not feasible 😉 During the hot summer, water the grass at least 3 times a day. Of course, a lot also depends on the exposure of the lawn. The one on the south side of the shoot needed more watering than a lawn located on the north side of the yard.


    Screwdriver Can Indicate Soil Hydration

    If you're not sure if your lawn needs watering, then use a simple trick. Gardeners have been practicing it forever and find that it always produces successful results. Take a screwdriver and drive it into the lawn. If the tool freely enters to a depth of about 7in, it is a sign that the lawn is perfectly watered. If the screwdriver stops earlier and is not able to force the dry soil, then you need to continue watering.

    Limit The Mowing

    If you don't want to stand in front of your house with a garden hose, then invest in automatic sprinklers. This is a good solution especially if you have quite large areas of land covered with grass. Another plus for them is that you can program some models to turn on automatically in the early morning hours (when you are still sleeping, for example). And importantly: during hot weather, keep mowing to a minimum. All because the mower generates heat, which puts extra stress on the grass.

    Enjoy you garden!!!