How to Get Rid of the Ants in Your Car – Do It Once but Do It Well!
Getting ants out of your car is nothing to put off. These seemingly harmless insects can wreak havoc in your car when you turn a blind eye. That is why once you spot even one, you have to take action as soon as possible.
Where do the ants come from?
Ants are hard-working and brave creatures which try to find food for themselves and their family literally speaking anywhere.
If you happen to leave some garbage in your car, especially when there’s some food in it, this can attract ants. If they see it’s a just a bit, a few will come. If the decide it’s worth an effort, they are very likely to set up an entire colony.
How to get rid of ants
There are a few things you need to do. They will work best if combined and performed as soon as possible. The thing is that ants may not only bite you, but they can damage your car upholstery, wood, foams and wires.
Keep your car clean
First of all, you have to make your car impeccably clean. We are talking about operating theater standards – clean the spaces in between the seats, under the seats, under the rugs and in every single corner and stash. Pick up anything that can attract ants – bread crumbs, empty bottles, packets, etc. Dust and clean all surfaces. Make sure there are no sticky stains anywhere inside your car.
Look for the nest
Search high and low to find where the insects are coming from. If you manage to find their nest, destroy it. They will have to move somewhere else to set up a new camp.
Change your parking spot for some time
You need to find some new parking space, at least for a few days (though a permanent change will be also helpful). It’s all about confusing ants and damaging their scent trails that lead them to your vehicle.
A DIY ant repellent
If you don’t want to rely on commercial agents you can make one before you get down to cleaning your car. Mix two glasses of water, three spoonful of soap and three spoonful of salt. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it directly onto ants. Another thing ants don’t like is citrus fruit. So why not add some orange scented oil or a similar one to keep the insects away?