How to Protect Your Garden From Birds?

    If you have managed to grow something, it would be nice if it ended up on your table and not in the stomachs of various pests. From this article, you will learn how to bird-proof your garden with the simplest and cheapest ways that are effective (and often a bit funny).

    How to Protect Your Garden From Birds?

    # How to Protect Your Garden From Birds - Simple, Effective Ways


    There are tons of ways to protect your garden from birds. We have chosen those that will not lower the aesthetics of your garden (such as nets or keeping plants in plastic beverage bottles) and will not cost you much. Here are our suggestions:

    # Stones That Pretend to Be Fruit


    This is a cool idea by an anonymous gardener - the author of the photo above. He decided, before fruits and vegetables appear on his beds, to paint a few handfuls of stones red and scatter them around his garden. The pest birds, of course, as soon as they noticed the juicy red "fruits", immediately tried to eat them. Of course, the adventure with the stones ended up with a very unpleasant experience for them. In addition, the red stones made the birds remember that there is something wrong with the fruit from this garden and from now on they avoid it.

    # Plastic Predators


    No bird is suicidal, and most are not smart or observant enough to catch on to these kinds of tricks. Often birds flying overhead can't tell the difference between plastic and a real animal. So you can place plastic predators in and around your garden. Snakes and crows will work best. Reposition them often, just don't scare them yourself one day!

    # Motion Activated Sprinklers


    This is so simple it's silly. Motion-activated sprinklers will instantly chase away any fowl (plus any other possible larger-sized pests). What's more, you'll water your plants this way, too, of course.

    # Balloons


    Both the simplest ones will work, just paint them with eyes, and those from garden centers, the so-called "scare balloons" (these are usually inflatable mylar balloons with large eyes printed on them). The store ones usually also have a reflective element attached somewhere and serpentine tails for extra protection.


    If you want to learn how to protect the garden against birds in yet have another way , you can share it with us.