21 Intriguing Secrets about the Human Body

    21 Intriguing Secrets about the Human Body

    1:33 PM EST, November 28, 2021, updated: 5:17 PM EST, December 7, 2021

    The human body is full of mysteries, and there's a lot we don't know about it yet. Dare to take a journey inside your body and find out its secrets.

    #1 Heart Smell

    The human heart gives off a similar smell to mushrooms.


    #2 Chimpanzee Hair

    On average, there is as much hair on the human body as chimpanzees have. However, our hair is finer and shorter.


    #3 Rapid Recovery

    The eyeball is the part of the body that heals fastest.


    #4 Cleaning

    Every minute, our body gets rid of 30,000 dead skin cells.


    #5 Sleepless Nights

    The record holder for sleepless nights is one American who went without sleep for 11 days and 24 minutes at the age of 17. Not sleeping through the night is not a good practice. It has been proven that people who deprive their bodies of sleep for one night and people who have 0.08 per mille of alcohol in their blood have a similar rate of reaction to stimuli.


    #6 A Hardworking Heart

    The human heart pumps enough blood in a day to fit into 50 bathtubs (about 7200 liters).


    #7 Daily Saliva Production

    We produce about 1.5 liters of saliva each day. Over a lifetime, saliva would fill a tanker truck (about 40,000 liters).


    #8 Living without pain

    Congenital analgesia is a rare genetic descent that manifests when a patient feels no pain at all and does not respond to cuts, fractures or burns.


    #9 Long Nerves

    If we stretch all the nerves from our body, they would be able to wrap around the earth twice. Its circumference is about 40,000 km and our nerves are about 100,000 km long.


    #10 Sensitive pads

    The least innervated skin is on the elbow. In contrast, the palate, clitoris, eye, and fingertips have the most nerve endings.


    #11 Short Life of Eyelashes

    Our eyelashes live approximately 100-150 days. Each lash has about 150 of them.


    #12 Infarctions on Monday

    According to statistics, most heart attacks occur on Monday mornings (between 6:00 am and 12:00 pm). This may be due to increased stress levels.


    #13 Sneezing With Eyes Open

    When sneezing, our heart will not stop and our eyes will not fall out of the eye sockets. Therefore, it is safe to sneeze with your eyes open 😉 .


    #14 The Long History of Yawning

    A person starts yawning while still in fetal life. This is usually when a woman is in the 7th month of pregnancy.


    #15 The Neck of a Giraffe

    The human neck has as many cervical vertebrae as the neck of a giraffe.


    #16 Lockdown Effect

    During the coronavirus epidemic, many gained an average of 11 ponds. More and more people are affected by a condition called "lockdown effect." It is an inflammation of the plantar fasciitis, which is manifested by pain in the heel area. It's all blamed on remote work and a penchant for walking around the house in slippers or socks.


    #17 Alcohol Goes to Your Head

    When flying on a plane, be careful about drinking alcohol. Consuming 2-3 drinks in the clouds will have the same effect on your body as having 4-5 drinks on the ground.


    #18 Diving Masters

    Badjaws are sea gypsies who inhabit selected islands in Southeast Asia. They are mainly engaged in diving and hunting for fish, shellfish or octopus. They can hold their breath for 13 minutes and can easily dive to depths of up to 70 meters. They owe this ability to their spleen, which is 50% larger than in other people.


    #19 Muscle Record Holder

    The longest muscle in our body is the hamstring muscle. In an adult it is about 50 cm long and thanks to it we can, among other things, put a leg on a leg.


    #20 Bulbs numbered in millions

    An adult human has about 5 million hair follicles on his body.


    #21 Wrinkled Fingertips

    Scientists have proven that the wrinkled skin on your fingers, while bathing, makes it easier to grip slippery objects.


    Which interesting fact surprised you the most?