Tea Bags Reinvented. You Will Be Surprised to See What They Are Capable Of!
If you love drinking tea, I’m sure you will be delighted to find out how many ‘non-standard’ applications there are for tea bags. Apart from its wonderful taste quenching your thirst, tea might help you in several everyday issues. This is what we have recently discovered!
#1 Grow healthy plants
Would you like your garden to look fabulous and the window sill plants grow healthy and strong? Put a teabag on the bottom of the plant pot. That will make the plant grow faster and healthy. It will also help retain more humidity. Plant gardens could be watered with some tea essence added to the watering can. You can also pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it onto the leaves to protect the plant against pests.
#2 Extra flavor for your dishes
If you leave a used teabag in the pot where you boil rice or pasta, the tea essence will be released (again!) and give the dish a pleasant taste. This is a perfect suggestion for fans of non-standard cooking solutions.
#3 Prepare a relieving bath
With tea bags you can prepare a nice and fragrant bath. You don’t need to spend a fortune for a spa treatment. Just put the tea bags under the faucet while you are filling the bath. Of course make sure this is hot water. Once there is enough water, take the bags out. You can add a few open bags – the tea leaves contain antioxidants that take care of your skin
#4 Get rid of nasty smells
Used tea bags are a perfect way to eliminate the stench form the garbage can, cat’s liter tray, shoes or stale fridge. All you have to do is to put dried tea leaves or an open tea bag into the smelly spots.
#5 Relieving sun burns
You love the sun and sunbathing but you know that this is not a mutual feeling? Aloe helps a lot but it quickly gets sticky and dirty, so you’d better use the tea bag method. Just boil it, cool it and then put on the burnt spot. If you have spent way too much time in the sun and vast part of your body is sore and burnt, use a big pot to make lots of tea. Then wait until it cools, pour it into a spray bottle and apply all over the burnt area.
#6 Getting rid of mice and bugs
If you want to get rid of gate crashing mice and bugs, there is an easy way to do it. Take used mint tea bags behind your furniture or anywhere else they won’t be visible. In fact, anything smelling mint will repel insects and rodents.
#7 Unpleasant smell of hands
If you often chop onions or garlic, cut fish or do anything else that makes your hand smell bad for some time, rub your hands with a tea bag while you wash them. This will neutralize the nasty smell.
#8 A remedy for swollen gums
You might look funny with your mouth full of tea bags, but this is certainly going to help. Cool down 2 – 3 tea bags and put them in your mouth on the swollen areas. The effect will be surprisingly relieving.
#9 Doing the washing-up
If you don’t have a dishwasher, doing the washing-up takes a lot of time. If you burn some fat in a pot or a pan, tea bags will save you some time. Immerse the dishes in water for a night together with some used tea bags. In the morning washing them up will be much easier.
# 10 Cleaning mirrors
It is really hard to keep mirrors clean, especially those in bathrooms, as we splash water on them quite a lot. Get rid of the water stains swiping them with a cloth with a tea bag rolled inside. And that’s it! Your mirror will be crystal clear again!
Did you think it’s a lot tea bags can do? Read on to find out even more!
#11 Supporting growth of potted plants
If you are into gardening, you’d better make friends with tea bags here and now. Tannoids present in tea help to reduce the acidity of soil. The lower pH level, the less likely it is that fungus will attack your plants’ roots. Leave a tea bag in the soil and let it do the job.
#12 Removing warts
Removing warts has never been so easy. Antioxidants in green tea prevent growth of warts. Make some green tea, then cool the bag and put it on the wart covering it with bandage. Replace the bag every 15 minutes. To augment it, drink 2 – 3 cups of green tea every day to minimize the HPV virus impact on skin.
#13 Fighting dandruff
Dandruff is a problem millions of us tackle. If you don’t want to spend a fortune on expensive dedicated products, simply wash your hair with tea. Make the tea an hour before.
Everyday massage with tea not only removes dandruff but also gives your hair a shiny healthy look.
#14 Revitalizing tired eyes
From time to time we all have a sleepless night. Of course the next day we feel like a zombie. The tannoids present in tea help a lot to refresh our eyes and remove the swollen bags. You can keep old bags in a sealed jar in the fridge to use them in need.
#15 Fixing a broken nail
Cut out a piece of the bag, put it on the broken piece of nail and protect with transparent nail polish. Now touch the bag material and apply the nail polish.