15 Illustrative Comparisons That Will Make You Think
Sometimes you can only really understand something when you have a point of reference. Only then do you see a difference that you might not normally even notice.
Here are a dozen or so illustrative comparisons.
#1 Various Sizes of Airplanes
#2 This Is the Same Place in Germany
#3 2kg Fat vs 2kg Muscle
#4 This Is What “Invisible” Sunscreen (Applied to Half Your Face) Looks Like in the Ultraviolet
#5 This Is the Same Snail a Year Later
#6 A Prehistoric “Bird” and a Human
#7 One Is a Twig, the Other Is a Moth Larva
#8 Different Forms of Starfish
#9 “My Guinea Pig and My Boyfriend. Similar!”
#11 Same Street After “Diet”
12 The Same Paint Color in Both
13 In Australia, a Pack of Cigarettes (40 Packs) Already Costs as Much as All Those Products on the Right
14 How Much Sugar Is in Them?
#15 Abraham Lincoln Before and After the Civil War
Which one surprised you the most?