15 Inspiring Images Helping Women Overcome Stereotypes and Love Their Own Bodies
Lainey Molnar is a talented Dutch cartoonist. She addresses issues that lots of women have to struggle with. She speaks loud about motherhood, self-acceptance, body, sexuality and social expectations. She deals with any stereotypes and convinces girls that they can all live their own lives without succumbing to family pressure.
#1 Slim body does not mean healthy body
Sometimes slim women suffer from nutritional disorders and the slim body they take pride in is nothing but a final effect of starvation diets.
#2 Women have different priorities and targets even if they belong to the same age group
Not all women in their thirties want to have a child. Some of them might be more interested in travelling or cooking.
#3 The body after pregnancy
Right after delivery women do not have the body of a model. Still, it’s not worth tormenting yourself just to get slim again quickly. Watching photos of celebrities who got back to shape is a waste of time. It is much better to let your bodies speak to you and follow its guidelines.
#4 All the faces of success
Women define ‘success’ in a number of ways. That could be getting promoted, buying a new apartment, getting married or… getting up. Everything depends on the stage of life you are in now.
#5 Two dimensions of health
If you’re having a physical condition, all your family and friends will be there for you ready to help. But depression or psychological conditions make a woman invisible. Many people just can’t figure out why you are not able to get up and go.
#6 All the kinds of skin
Perfectly smooth skin does not exist. It always has got some texture and there are always some imperfections like scars, spots, pores and pimples.
#7 Being a mother is a full-time job
There is absolutely nothing wrong in giving up a job to take care of home and look after children. This work is just as heavy as any other jobs. And it is usually a 24/7 one.
#8 Decency
Women do not have to hide their bodies to avoid seducing men. You can wear a mini-skirt or tops showing as much of your body as you only wish. The only problem there is is the way men perceive a woman’s appearance and that leads to drastic acts, not the clothes or the woman. Anyone saying that women provoke men to do something is completely ridiculous.
#9 The breast changes
As the years go by, our breast changes. Still, if you don’t like to wear your bra, just don’t do it! It is an absolutely optional piece of clothing!
#10 Sweat is something normal
Various parts of our body go sweaty. In the summer you will see that on your thighs, under your breast or your armpits.
#11 Bikini
All women can wear bikinis. No matter how slim you are (or not), how heavy or how many stretch marks you have got.
#12 Acceptable behaviors
Somehow a man peeing in a public place does not stir as much controversy as a breast-feeding mother in a restaurant or a shopping center.
#13 Being a mother
Some women don’t want to be mothers and we have to respect that. In fact all woman has got some fixed views on having children.
#14 Professions
Both women earn their living by dancing. Why does one of them deserve more respect than the other?
#15 Respect
All of us, irrespective of our social or professional status, deserves the same respect.