17 Infants Whose Faces Look as If They Belong to Adults
There was once a movie about Benjamin Button in which the hero was born as an old wrinkled baby and kept getting younger and younger. The kids in the pictures are probably his relatives, well how else can you explain their wrinkles….
Here are kids who look like they've lived through a lot more than you have.
#1 Born a Hoodlum
#2 Grandma Is Already Here, Now Let’s See the Baby
#3 Like Steve Buscemi
#4 Just Give Him a Briefcase and He Can Go to the Office
#5 Like an English Football Fan About to Make a Ruckus in the Stadium
#6 Combining Annoyance With Resignation
#7 Well Tell Me I’m Pretty!
#8 He’s Gonna Be the Bad Big Boy on the Estate
#9 Like a Guy in His 40S
#10 That Face…like He Knows….
#11 My Former Boss Looked Like This
#12 Oh, Grandpa, Grandpa
#13 Even Already Bald…
14 Thoughts on the Plight of Man
15 A 60-Year-Old Born
16 Makes up for It With Character
17 Oh Dear Grandma…
Which one made you laugh the most?