12 Interesting Maps Showing the World from a Completely Different Perspective
Once you see something on a map, it is much easier to imagine it. And this becomes really useful when you bear in mind the fact that maps can show you almost anything.
The maps shown below will certainly broaden your horizons, no matter how practical (or useless) the information presented there is.
#1 South Pole. The only place where you can only go north
#2 Comparison of the Mediterranean countries and Australia
#3 Global crude oil reserves. ‘Gbbl’ stands for millions of tones (please note that ‘reserves’ are not the same as ‘supplies’; currently it’s the USA that supplies the most)
#4 Former British colonies that managed to become independent at some point in history
#5 The Baltic Way
On August 23 1989 two million people held hands to create a 675.5 km-long human chain. It was a protest against Russian troops still staying in their countries and a symbol of support for all independence movements in these three countries.