21 Inventive Photos of a Father with His Kids... Because Mom kept Asking if They're OK
Kenny Deuss, who lives in Antwerp, Belgium, was asked one day by his partner if the kids were OK and he had enough of answering in a standard way. He started taking pictures that are hilarious.
Here is a collection of photos showing the adventures and antics of Kenny and his kids: Alix and Aster (please note that many of the photos are manipulated in Photoshop, so the kids weren't really in danger).
#1 Kidnapping
#2 Professional
#3 You Want to Eat, Then Work
#4 Traffic
#5 Obstacle Skating
#6 Best Gift Ever
#7 The Coolest Birthday
#8 Instead of a Vaccine
#9 Fatherly Love
#10 You Had a Good Wash Too
#11 Men’s Night Out
#12 Catch!
#13 Like Back to the Future
#14 Coffee’s is Hot
#15 In the World of Star Wars
#16 It’s Not the Chicken That’s Roasting
#17 Can You Do It?
#18 Garage Baby Sale Out
#19 And Hops to the Other Side
#20 Merry Christmas
#21 Time for a Barbecue
Which photo made you laugh the most?