19 Photos Proving That Kids Have Their Own World and We Can Never Fully Understand Them
Sometimes we don't know whether to laugh or cry at what our kids do. But the hardest part is that sometimes it's hard to understand what they actually do and why they do it. Or were we ever like that?
Here is a collection of kids who live in a somewhat surreal world.
#1 “I Think He Wanted to Connect Too Many Things at Once”
#2 A New Way to Eat a Banana
#3 Fighting Monsters Whilst on Toilet?
#4 “I Asked My Niece to Tie Up Her Hair”
#5 “He Stuck a Tube in an Orange Thinking Orange Juice Would Fly”
#6 “He Asked Me to Guess in Which Hand”
#7 Well…
#8 Younger Brother Can Get Traumatized
#9 “She Prefers the World behind Bars”
#10 “He Asked Me to Buy Vanilla-Chocolate Ice Cream, Then He Did”
#11 “I Think It’s Time for a New Keyboard”
#12 “She Packed the Entire Contents of Our Fridge in Here. She Explained to Me That She Wanted to Make Soup”
#13 Decontaminated
#14 A Toilet Basket…
#15 Stool Struggles
#16 “He Said He Fed the Cats”
#17 “A Sandwich in Our Son’s Edition”
#18 Where Could the Nintendo Controller Go….
#19 “For Some Reason He Sleeps Off Like This”
Which made you laugh the most?