15 Little Known Uses for Rice. Here’s Why You Should Always Have It in Your Kitchen!

    15 Little Known Uses for Rice. Here’s Why You Should Always Have It in Your Kitchen!

    6:01 PM EDT, September 11, 2021

    There are hundreds of dishes where rice is indispensible. For some of us using rice for any non-culinary purposes could be therefore a little weird. The truth is that it can be successfully used to sharpen, clean, glue or even preserve. Is there anything rice in not good for?

    #1 Skin care


    Rice water is a multi-use cosmetic that could be used for hair and face care. It is also a very good base for a peeling or a mask. How to make rice water? Boil any kind of rice (use two or three times more water than the recipe suggests). Then drain the rice and keep the water, full of a number of nutrients.

    #2 Cleaning flower vases


    Some vases or bottles have got some really inaccessible spots. And once again we fall back on rice. Pour two spoonful of it plus a bit of warm water and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then cover the top and give it a good shake. Pour it all out and that's it!

    #3 Glue


    Kids use plenty of glue for their art works. To save some money, you can make your glue yourself. Boil a glass of rice for about 30 minutes in 3-4 glasses of water. Then rub the pulp through a sieve. And what you get is your home-made glue!

    #4 Sharpening


    Blender blades go blunt after some time. To sharpen them, just pour a half of glass of rice and mix it for 2 minutes.

    #5 Starch


    Using rice you can make top-quality starch. Pour a glass of rice into three liters of water and boil it for 30 minutes. The rice should freely float in the water. Then drain it all. The white rice water you get can be diluted and used as starch.

    #6 Knife block


    You don’t need to buy a knife block if you need one. Pour some rice into a tall container and put your knives in it.

    #7 Colors of the rice


    When you are grounded with your kids on a rainy day, why don't you make some colorful rice together so that your kids can play with it later on? Pour some white rice into a container and add quite a lot of food dye. Sprinkle it all with a half spoon of vinegar. Then close the container and shake it well. Your colorful rice is ready!

    #8 A helpful baking hand


    You can use rice to hold the paper down while baking tarta. White rice will successfully replace beans.

    #9 Help your fruit ripen faster


    Rice accelerates the ripening process. Pour some rice into a bowl and put your bananas, mandarins or avocadoes there. And don’t forget about them, as it might take them less than 24 hours to ripen!

    #10 Saving smartphones


    There is nothing wrong than a phone dropped into water. If you put it into a bowl of rice, it should absorb all the water so that your phone stands a chance of being rescued.

    #11 Cleaning grinders


    A dirty coffee or pepper mill could be also restored to its former beauty thanks to rice. Just grind some of it and throw it all out. It will also remove the stale smell.

    #12 Rice and salt


    To prevent your salt from going lumpy, drop a few rice grains into the container.

    #13 Frying


    Rice works well as a frying thermometer. Drop a rice grain onto the pan with hot oil. If it floats, it means you can start frying.

    #14 Hand heaters


    Cut out two square pieces from any kind of cloth. Stitch them together on three sides, fill it with rice and stitch the fourth one. Then put them into the microwave for 20 seconds, take them out and put on your hands.

    #15 Rains stick

    There is a toy for you to make that makes a sound similar to the one of rain falling. Buy a cardboard tube (its walls should be quite thick], pierce it in random spots with nails and pour in some rice (optionally with some beans). Close the tube and let your kids decorate it. When shaken, rice will hit the nails giving off the rain-like sound.

    Is there anything else (apart from cooking of course) that you use rice for?