Have a Baby with Make-up? Do Up the Eye‑Lashes? This Is the Question That More and More Women These Days Ask Themselves before Labor.

    Have a Baby with Make-up? Do Up the Eye-Lashes? This Is the Question That More and More Women These Days Ask Themselves before Labor.

    12:36 PM EST, February 16, 2022

    Women often associate the birth of their child with enormous pain. Some of them, however, have got a way to remedy the inconvenience.


    Make-up therapy

    Don't be surprised, while visiting a hospital to notice some expectant women putting on make-up. Some of them will only do their eye-lashes, other will go for full make-up. Equipped with their professional make-up gear they apply eye shadows or primers just a few quarters before their baby is due. Although this might come as a surprise to many, it has got some serious therapeutic value.


    Why do women apply make-up just before having a child?

    #1 It is a way to stop thinking about the pain and the cramps.

    #2 They do it every day so no wonder they want to look good.

    #3 They don't want to stop looking pretty just because they are at hospital.

    #4 They need to feel good and make-up is something that secures that feeling.

    #5 While working on it they forget all the fears and stress.

    #6 It protects their comfort zone and they feel much safer.

    #7 Labor is a special moment so no wonder they want to look beautiful once it happens.

    In case of fashion or make-up influencers this becomes almost a professional obligation as these women simply have to look good in all photos they publish. Impeccable look might definitely increase the number of their followers.


    The opponents of make-up before delivering a child come up with different arguments of course

    #1 This is the moment when the priority is the health of the child, not their mother's appearance.

    #2 The essence is the bond with the child, the intimacy and the close relationship. Anything else does not matter that much.

    #3 Hospital is the place where everyone cares about the condition of mothers and children – make-up is not even on the list.

    Did you care about make-up before you had your have your child/ children?