16 Photos of Real Men Whose Daughters Took Care of Them in Their Home Beauty Salons
Daddies… When they talk to their daughters, they just can’t say ‘no’. And that is why they end up with make-up on their faces. The gallery below presents a collection of fathers who underwent some beauty treatment performed by their girls.
#1 Age does not matter
#2 Anything for my daughter!
#3 Because daddies want to feel beautiful, too
#5 Even Dwayne Johnson the Rock has to give in in front of his daughter
#6 ‘Dad, could you lie down for a moment?’
#7 Perfect make-up resulting in a photo session
#8 Just take a look at the eyeliner…
#9 So elegant and so modest…
#10 Sometimes mummies get involved, too
#11 isn’t it the daughter who’s supposed to be the princess?
#12 A beard and make-up can go together
#13 It is always so professional
#14 No matter your age, there is nothing to protect you against your daughters’ make-up
#15 Home-alone with your daughter
#16 When you give your daughter a make-up set, she is bound to test it on you one day or another
#Bonus image. Sometimes the sacrifice goes a bit further than make-up