17 Half-Animal, Half-Human Creatures Painted by an American Artist
There are some artists who focus on depicting reality as closely as possible, and others who prefer to create new, alternative worlds full of strange creatures.
Here are a dozen characters from Matthew Grabelsky's bizarre world.
#1 The Most Loyal Fan Number One
#2 On Vacation to Honolulu
#3 “And I’ll Kiss You…”
#4 On the Way to the Gym
#5 The Urchins
#6 Elegant Bachelor
#7 Rockin’ Catwoman
#8 Escaped Parakeet
#9 They Were Brought Together by Honey
#10 Hello Kitties!
#11 When You’re From the Slums
#12 Enjoy Your Meal!
#13 This Mustache…
#14 Menago
#15 Tagged Bulls
#16 Cute Hippies
#17 Old Wolf
Do you like these kinds of strange combinations?