Stubborn and Naughty Children Are More Likely to Succeed in Their Adult Lives and Earn More Money

    Children who are rebels and give their parents a really hard time should in fact be something to take pride in.

    Stubborn and Naughty Children Are More Likely to Succeed in Their Adult Lives and Earn More Money


    These little stubborn creatures

    Some children’s favorite word is ‘no’. They keep repeating it and challenge everything around them. They don’t want to follow their parents’ instructions and keep getting their own way. They are often considered naughty and rude. Psychologists’ opinion, however, is completely different.


    Examining kids

    Some interesting research was conducted in Luxemburg. Its findings were published in “Developmental Psychology’. In this study commenced in 1968 a group of 700 children aged 12 were observed until they reached the age of 52. The aim of the research was to estimate how behavior in childhood affects the professional career of the subjects.


    The scientists took into account the following factors:

    • social and economic status of parents,

    child’s intelligence

    behavior of children as pupils (whether they have inferiority complex, break rules and rebel against their parents, whether they are responsible, conscientious and determined)


    After 40 years of watching their educational and professional path, the researches came up with the following conclusions:

    • naughty children are likely to earn a salary over the average by turning 40 years old,

    • kids who often say ‘no’ in their adult life are more assertive, know how to refuse and generally do better at work,

    • kids who rebel against their parents are more successful in their professional life and are also more keen to study longer and study more subjects

    • rebellious and stubborn children can consistently strive for success and can be very consistent,

    • they have higher self-esteem and believe that they deserve more than an average person,

    • they can defend their point of view and are good negotiators.


    So next time your kid rebels against you and demonstrates his/ her independence, don’t be mad. It only means they will be more likely to succeed in the future!

    What is your child like?