7 Situations When People Were Sick and Tired of Their Annoying Neighbors and Decided to Pay Back. The Revenge Was Not Always Harmful, Though!
Not all neighbors are gentle and nice. Some of them seem to be addicted to disputes and putting the spanner in the works! When you realize that explanation does not work, you have to switch to more physical actions. Sometimes even a completely harmless prank can do the job!
#1 Music retaliation
‘My timetable was horrible. I had to get up at 2:30 am to be at work at 4:00. My neighbors played loud music all night long. I went downstairs and very politely asked them to turn it down. When I came back to bed, they turned it up even more. And it continued until 1:30.
One day, just before leaving for work, I put the loudspeakers on the floor so that the sound went directly downwards. Then I turned the hi-fi up and went to work. For a 12-hour long shift. My neighbors never played loud music anymore.’
#2 Unexpected visit
Did you know that you can arrange a visit from the Jehovah Witnesses at any address so that they can talk about their religion?
Can you think now of any friends who love to pop in out of the blue?
#3 Salty lawn
‘After my neighbors’ kids threw bricks at my dogs, I decided to spice up his lawn a little. Using a few bags of salt. The thing is that he runs a lawn-keeping business – after the salty payback. Since his trophy-winning lawn turned into a piece of barren land, he has lost quite a few customers.
#4 Unexpected painting
One of my neighbors did not mind his dogs pooing and peeing on other people’s lawns. We tried talking to him, we put the excrements at his door but it never worked. Then one of the neighbors decided to smear the poo onto the front wall. From that time the dogs kept away from our grass.
#5 Louder revenge
‘They would throw parties on working days until 3:00. The cops Said they couldn’t do anything about it. So I decided to work on my yard. Using the chainsaw to cut some old wood. It was so loud that I had to use earplugs.”
#6 Chicken soup on the grass
“My wife and I had neighbors who hated us. They were mean to my wife, they parked their car on our driveway and threw pieces of wood onto our would. They also let their dog poo on our lawn. I tried talking to them but they just made me go away.
As the neighbors were proud of their lawn, I threw a few chicken bouillon cubes onto their grass. When the rain dissolved them, their dog went crazy and dag the lawn all over looking for the cubes.”
#7 A tree cut in two
“Our neighbors might be the owners of the tree, but when it hangs over our property, we are legally authorized to trim it… The birds on the tree were very noisy and they left a lot of excrements on our driveway. What you can see is just a third of what the tree used to look like. Two-thirds were on our side.”