17 Examples of How Old Shoes Can Be Turned Into Amazing Surreal Decorations
Recycling has many names and characters and is proof that practically every thing can be given a second, sometimes more interesting life. Gwen Murphy turns old shoes into amazing ornaments.
Here is a collection of her amazing sculptures.
#1 Sneakers With Monkey Face
#2 Like Plovercrest Bird
#3 "I Can't Believe It"
#4 A Very Smart Look
#5 Like A Carnival
#6 Sad Faces
#7 Indian Statues
#8 Gazing At The Sky
#9 Scary
#10 Like Dancers From An Exotic Country
#11 Those Lips…
#12 Fearful Of Those Toothy Ones
#13 Thieves In Disguise
#14 Fish Faces
#15 Those Bulging Eyes…
#16 Cardinals With Majestic Faces
#17 Those Intense Lips…
Which one did you like best?