11 Women’s Outfits You Shouldn’t Wear to a Wedding and Reception
Wedding and reception are celebrations, during which all eyes should be on the bride and she should steer the show. Therefore, it is in bad taste for the invited women to try to overshadow her with their outfits. View the gallery and find out what not to wear to the wedding. This way you will not become an object of gossip and no one will chase you with a punishing eye around the wedding hall.
#1 Dresses that Show Underwear
Transparent creations are better left in the closet. Underwear showing through is not a welcome sight at a wedding.
#2 Dresses with Animal Prints
Patterns imitating animal tracks are infantile and do not look good during official ceremonies. Only little girls look appropriate in such dresses. 😉
#3 Red Dresses
Red is an intense color that attracts the eye. A woman wearing a dress in this color, definitely stands out in the crowd and makes the bride out of the spotlight. In China, on the other hand, red is reserved for the bride (her traditional dress is in this color).
#4 Sequin Dresses
A wedding is not New Year's Eve, so skip the sequins, glitter and excess sparkles.
#5 Black Gowns, there's a Big But 😉 .
Black is the color of mourning. However, an elegant dark dress, enlivened with colorful accessories will be most appropriate. Match the creation with a light jacket and shoes and handbag in intense colors.
#6 Jeans, Tracksuits, Sneakers
Denim pants, overalls or a dress are too casual to wear to a wedding.
#7 Leather Dresses
Leather looks heavy, defiant and too flash
#8 Neon Gowns
Neon creations have a way of being to bright. They are very eye-catching and take away the bride's prerogative.
#9 Animal Pattern Dresses
Animal prints, stripes imitating the zebra coloring are also not the best idea for the wedding outfit. They look too frivolous, defiant and far from elegant.
#10 White Dresses
White and ecru color is reserved for the bride. It is worth mentioning that in India it is white, and not black, that is the color of mourning.
#11 Short Dresses with Big necklines
A wedding is not a disco. Avoid short dresses with large necklines that reveal too much. Dresses that show too much of the bust are also not suitable.
What's your patent for the perfect wedding outfit?