21 People Who Do Everything Their Own Way
There are some people who don't look at others and do everything their own way. They stand out from the crowd and have their own way of cutting a cake or eating an apple. Their strangeness can be frightening at times 😉 .
#1 Total Disregard for Symmetry 😉
#2 This Is How Dad Slices Avocados
#3 Chairs Are Relics
#4 Bread That’s Medium Baked
#5 Extravagant Way to Take Supplements
#6 Roommate Broke a Board and Bought a New One
#7 When Little Sister Tastes All the Cookies
#8 Someone Advertised Their Social Media on the Walls of a Historic Castle
#9 The Store Arranged the Books by Color. Can Anyone Find Their Favorite Author?
#10 When You’re a Celebrity and You Eat Lunch in a Public Place
#11 When You’re Working as a Dishwasher and You Get Hit With a Pie Tin Like This
#12 Women Are Able to Fit an Awful Lot of Stuff in the Dishwasher 😉
#13 She Thought It Was White Water 😉
#14 To Make Washing Dishes More Enjoyable, She Watches Movies
#15 Picking the Butter Out of the Middle
#16 Someone Treated the Basket as a Place to Throw Trash
17 Wife Cuts off Bananas and Eats Only Halves
#18 Trying Apples One at a Time
#19 Cutting Squares Out of the Cake
#20 Roommate Doesn’t Wash Dishes, Just Throws Them Away
#21 Father-In-Laws Use Several Rolls of Paper at Once
Which behavior are you most familiar with?