17 Pets That Messed up and Got Caught in the Act
However naughty and unruly they may be, we will still love them with all our hearts. But sometimes it happens that they just overdo it. And what to actually do then….
These below have crossed all boundaries of decency.
#1 She Knows She’s Screwed
#2 That Terrified Look
#3 The Thief’s Molt
#4 Unmoved Villain
#5 Maybe He Was Cold?
#6 Are They Just Playing Games?
#7 Looks Like You Just Rescued a Cat
#8 “Oh My!”
#9 He Just Wanted to Mix Things up a Bit…
#10 You Don’t Want to Know Where the Rest of the Trash Is
#11 How Pleased With Yourself
#12 You Interrupted His Jungle Adventure
#13 Little Madman
#14 Like the Proverbial Dog and Cat
#15 It Got a Little “Playful”
#16 “Hi Ladies! I’ve Been Struggling All Afternoon to Get Through to You!”
#17 Time for Punishment
Did your pooch also happen to make something naughty?