19 Fantastic Photos That Will Surprise Even the Smartest. They Prove That Size Does Matter!
The size of some plants, animals or people can be really astonishing. When you compare a human being to a sequoia tree or mammoths tusks, you realize that we are just a tiny little creature. The collection below can change your perception of the world forever!
#1 Dwayne Johnson (1.97 m) vs. a Chinese basketball player
#2 The tail of Airbus A380
#3 What you see on the maps (light blue) vs the actual size of countries (dark blue)
#4 Gorilla's hand vs. human hand
#5 The diameter of cut cedar tree
#6 A fossilized shell of a prehistoric turtle, found in South America. It I estimated that the animal might have been up to 2 tons heavy
#8 Gigantic sequoia trees in Sequoia National Park in USA
#9 A mammoth tusk found in Siberia. The animal lived about 12,000 years ago
#10 Impression of a gigantic ammonite
#11 The Siberian tiger vs. the brown bear. Both animals live in the Anyunski National Park in Russia
#12 Bonobo (the pygmy chimpanzee) is the closest relative of man. Comb jellies are the most distant ones
#13 This is how Abu Zabi has changed over the years
#15 This plant is called elephant's ear. The one in the photo is over 1.67 meters tall
#16 The 1991 Metallica concert in Moscow, attended by 1.6 million people
#18 Sultan Kösen is the tallest man in the world (2.51 meters tall). Chandra Bahadur Dangi was the shortest one (only 54.6 cm). He died in 2015
#19 A man climbing an 885 meters tall rock formation called El Capitan in Yosemite Valley (USA)
Which photo impressed you the most?