Plogging! Another Eco‑Fitness Trend for Anyone Loving Running and ...Caring About Mother Nature!

    Jogging is popular almost everywhere now. With so many people going for this kind of calory-burning exercise, why not connect it with helping our planet? This is really possible!

    Plogging! Another Eco-Fitness Trend for Anyone Loving Running and ...Caring About Mother Nature!

    Getting rid of garbage


    Plogging is a really practical approach to fitness and ecology. This is a combination of collecting garbage with jogging. This kind of exercise was born in Sweden and it is Erik Ahlström who is believed to have started the trend. The man decided to do something about the litter on the streets of Stockholm. Whenever he went running, he took a bag with him to pick up all the junk he would find on sidewalks and lawns. He shared that with his fellow runners, also keen on ecology, and soon a group of ploggers began to expand. This trend is really popular with Swedes now.

    ujinpres / instagram
    ujinpres / instagram

    Eco-jogging together

    The term 'plogging' is a combination of two words: a Swedish plocka, meaning 'pick up', 'collect' with jogging. Now it is catching on all over Europe where groups of people get together to ‘plog’ collectively. And this is how plenty of garbage disappears from parks and streets.

    wayeoflife / instagram
    wayeoflife / instagram

    Ecology and fitness

    You can also set up your own plogging group. Using social media you can get together and later share the 'fruits' of your plogging. We can all do something to prevent plastic from getting into our stomachs.


    Cleaning while strolling

    If you are not a keen runner, you can pick something up even when you walk. This kind of activity is referred to as 'plalking' (a combination of plock and walking).

    uselessplastic/ instagram
    uselessplastic/ instagram

    What do you think? Would you like to take up plogging?