9 Potted Plants with Leaves of Red Wine. You Won’t Take Your Eyes off Them!
Plants with leaves glittering with all shades of purple, violet or red will look good in any kind of interior. They will look spectacular when put somewhere against the background of a bright wall. You will never take your eyes off them
#1 Begonia rex
This small plant (up to 12 inches tall) is grown largely due to its juicy heart-shaped leaves that shimmer with a wide range of colors (purple, maroon, beige, pink, silver, purple). What makes it even more beautiful is the leaf nervation and metallic glittering surface of the leaves
• Exposure: the plant likes light but it has to be protected again burning sun
• Temperature: moderate (it prefers cooler rooms in the winter, about 13 – 15 0 C)
• Fertilization: every two weeks in the summer, once a month in the winter
• Watering: only when the soil gets dry; don’t let the water sit on the bottom.
#2 Calatheas (Prayer plants)
Its natural habitat is the South America rainforest. It has got large oval leaves which are purple viewed form the bottom. They are decorated with pink and red bands that turn silver as they grow. The plant is quite demanding to grow and it needs a lot of space as it moves its leaves a lot to expose them to the sun.
• Exposure: bright spots but without direct exposure to sun
• Temperature: quite high (18– 220C) and high humidity.
• Fertilization: every two weeks with a dedicated fertilizer for potted plants with decorative leaves (in the winter once a month)
Watering: soft water; the plant likes to have dump soil, but not too wet.
#3 Polka dot plant
It’s a small shrub (up to 30 inches) with small soft leaves. They have got light pink, irregular spots. The plant needs a bright and sunny spot. This is where it look best. Once put in a darker corner, its leaves go green.
• Exposure: bright spots though without direct exposure to the sun
• Temperature: (high(it must not drop below 18 0 C) and high humidity
• Fertilization: every two weeks (less frequently in the winter)
• Watering: the soil has to be dump all the time; never let it get completely dry.
#4 Coleus
The plant has got some really wonderful leaves. Depending on the variety, they might be dark-red with green lining, bright green with purple nervation or black-purple. The plant can be up to 5 feet tall.
• Exposure: bright spots but without direct exposure to the sun
• Temperature: high (20-250C) and moderate humidity
• Fertilization: once a week (less frequently in the winter)
• Watering: moderate; the plant does not tolerate being overwatered as its leaves go brown then
#5 False shamrock
This small (up to 8 inches tall) plant has got triangular leaves slightly reminding shamrock. They are dark-red or even maroon. After the sunset the leaves fold inwards to open up again the morning. In the fall and the winter bright bell-shaped flowers appear.
• Exposure: bright spots with a lot of sun
• Temperature: moderate (in the summer higher than 180 C but never lower than 100 C in the winter)
• Fertilization: every two weeks
• Watering: moderate; the soils should always be slightly dump
#6 Spiderwort (Indian paint)
It comes from South America. Grown at home can be up to 12 inches tall. It grows pretty fast. It’s got shiny stalks (that is why it will look really good in a hanging basket. It’s narrow leaves are decorated with green and pink stripes.
• Exposure: bright spots without direct exposure to the sun
• Temperature: both in the summer and in the winter moderate room temperature will do; in the winter it should be approximately 16 0 C
• Fertilization: every two weeks, less frequently in the winter
• Watering: when the top layer of the soil gets dry
#7 Persian shield
This shrub, growing up to 3 feet, has got long sharp-tipped leaves of wonderful green and violet color. In the fall small purple flowers might appear.
• Exposure: spots with access to lots of dispersed light
• Temperature: high (18 – 25 0 C)
• Fertilization: every three weeks
• Watering: when the top layer of the soil gets dry
# 8 Purple passion (Velvet plant)
The plant comes from south-east Asia where growing it forms shrubby clumps. Potted, it grows up to 20 inches tall.
Its distinctive features are large serrated leaves of irregular shape. The hairy outgrowth it’s covered with glitters with all shades of violet.
• Exposure: it prefers very bright spots, though in the summer it has to be protected against direct sunlight
• Temperature: in the summer the most appropriate is the room temperature range, while in the winter +15 0 C is the most appropriate
• Fertilization: every two weeks with any potted plants fertilizer
• Watering: keep the medium slightly dump all the time. The plant does not tolerate overwatering
#9 Emerald ripple peperomia
This small plant (up to ten inches) comes from the forests of South America. It’s got dark-red heart-shaped leaves of creased surface. They form decorative clumps that glimmer in a very spectacular way.
• Exposure: bright spots, without direct sun
• Temperature: high; 18-25 C in the summer and 15 C in the winter
• Fertilization: every three weeks with a fertilizer dedicated for plants with decorative leaves
• Watering: when the top layer of the soil gets dry
Which plant did you find the most beautiful? Do you happen to have any of them at home?