13 Great Pregnancy Tips to Make Life with a Growing Belly Easier
Life with a growing baby in your belly is not easy, especially in the last weeks before the birth. Therefore, it is good to know the tricks that make it easier to deal with the challenges and difficulties that every woman has to face during pregnancy.
Here are some effective tricks that make the pregnancy period more bearable.
#1 Put on Kinesiology Tapes
Tapes are mainly used by athletes, but they can also bring relief to pregnant women. They eliminate pain, gently lift the skin, have a stabilizing effect, reduce swelling, accelerate tissue regeneration. It is important that the first taping is performed by a physiotherapist.
#2 Make an " Extension" for your Denim Jeans
#3 Exercise with a Ball
Gymnastics with a large ball eliminates back pain (also strengthens muscles that support the spine) and reduces swelling in the legs. In addition, the ball can be used as a more comfortable alternative to a chair.
#4 Prepare Postpartum Pads
Soak several pads in aloe vera or witch hazel gel. Then store them in the freezer. After giving birth, they will cool the intimate area and make any wounds heal faster.
#5 Relief for Swollen Feet
If you suffer from swollen ankles and feet, then soak them in a well-known tonic (can be chilled or at room temperature). This treatment will reduce swelling and provide immediate relief.
#6 Make a Belly Band
You can easily make a belly band out of an old top. You can use it to cover up jeans that you can no longer button and to lengthen your blouses (without the intervention of a seamstress).
#7 Sleeping Comfortably on Your Belly
If you love sleeping on your stomach, then lie down on the well-known inflatable lifebelt. It will take the pressure off your back and help you spend the night in comfort.
#8 Quick Cooling
When the air temperature is high, put your bra in the freezer. Once it cools down well, wearing it will be a real pleasure 😉
#9 Eat Dates
Studies show that eating six dates a day (for the last 4 weeks of pregnancy), makes labor smoother and will be induced naturally. In addition, the fruit can help shorten labor time and reduce the risk of postpartum complications.
#10 Invest in a Grabber
As your tummy grows, it becomes more difficult to pick things up off the floor. A gripper will make this task easier. You can buy a professional gripper for picking up trash or use regular kitchen or barbecue tongs.
#11 Quick Extensions
You don't have to buy new bras during pregnancy. You just need to invest in extensions.
#12 Belly Support
Buy a seamless belly support belt. It will take the strain off your spine (preventing back pain), support your big belly and keep your lumbar and sacral region in the right position at all times. It is indispensable in twin and advanced pregnancy.
#13 Fight Heartburn
During pregnancy, many women struggle with heartburn. Quickly win against it will help mustard. When you feel digestive discomfort, eat a teaspoon of good quality mustard. Heartburn will quickly disappear. Also ginger, almonds, mint or chewing gum are good in the fight against this ailment.
For one thing your belly will do just fine - it's an indispensable snack table! 😉
Did any of the tips surprise you?