With a Simple Equation You Can Calculate What Time to Go to Bed
Everyone knows how important, for our body, is sleep. How to find the right time to go to bed to wake up in the morning full of energy?
Tough Mornings
Sometimes it happens that after waking up we do not feel rested and we would like to go back to bed. Then it's very difficult to start a new day and get on with any work. So how to improve the quality of your sleep? It turns out that it is not difficult.
Alarm Clock
When to go to bed?
The key to success lies in the right time to go to bed. This was discovered by a certain American mom who showed how to calculate what time we should go to bed.
Night Cycles
During nighttime rest, we sleep in 90-minute cycles that repeat regularly. One consists of 2 phases: NREM sleep (deep sleep characterized by slow eye movements) and REM sleep (rapid eye movements and the brain is still actively working).
The mathematics of sleep
To get a decent night's sleep, it's best if you go through 4-6 sleep cycles (each lasts 90 minutes). It's a good idea to wake up between these cycles, because that's when your brain is most active. Thanks to this after opening your eyes you will have more energy and will not be sluggish. When calculating, add another 15 minutes. This is how long it usually takes to fall asleep.
For example, if you have to get up at 6:00 a.m., you should go to bed at 11:45 p.m. You will then sleep for 4 cycles and have an extra 15 minutes to fall asleep.
What are your tips for falling asleep quickly?