5 Ways in Which We Harm Our Bodies Sleeping in Bedrooms With the Radiators On

    5 Ways in Which We Harm Our Bodies Sleeping in Bedrooms With the Radiators On

    6:18 PM EST, February 1, 2022

    It turns out that sleeping in a heated bedroom is not a good habit at all. If you want to stay healthy, you’d better turn it down.


    Insufficient body regeneration

    Doctors and scientists point out that the best temperature range for the sleeping environment is 16 – 19 degrees C. Seniors need a little bit more comfortable conditions, so they should turn it up to 20oC. However, it can’t be any higher as that could lead to difficulties with falling asleep and consequently to insufficient body regeneration.


    Dry skin and headaches

    If your head is too close to the bedroom radiator, in the morning you might have a headache and feel tired. Moreover, when the air is too dry, it results in dry mucous membrane causing coughs, headaches and sneezing. Most importantly (especially for women) dry air is harmful for our appearance. Skin missing appropriate moisturizing is more susceptible to irritation and chapping. Also, wrinkles are more likely and hair could get greasier, too.


    Karan Raj, a British doctor, in his short video convinces that sleeping ‘in a cold room is much better.

    Difficulties falling asleep

    To rest in the arms of Morpheus our bodies have to lower their temperature by one degree ( C ). If your bedroom is cool, it won’t be difficult and you will drop off like a baby. With temperatures above 20, the process can take much longer. You can clearly see that during scorching summers. Many people find it really hard to fall asleep when it’s warm outside as our bodies have to struggle to turn the temperature down.


    Sleeping restlessly

    Melatonin (the hormone of sleep and darkness) slows down the release of cortisol (the hormone stimulating us to act) and that is why we can sleep well and we don’t wake up in the middle of the night ready to go. Unfortunately, high temperatures disturb the release of melatonin which results in restless sleep with our brains unable to regenerate for the next day.

    Even if you are not able to sleep in an unheated bedroom, there are some solutions you can implement easily to wake up feeling much better the following day:

    • air out the bedroom an hour before you go to sleep,

    • gut the bed as far from the radiator as possible,

    • get an air humidifier,

    • make sure the temperature never goes over 20 degrees C.

    Do you think you take care of good quality sleep?