21 Examples Proving That Some Men Never Grow Up
According to scientific research and surveys, men reach their full intellectual potential in their 40's. Still, many people claim that this is far-fetched. There are some who go as far as to claim that in fact men never really grow up.
And these are some of their arguments:
#1 A pile of chips on baby's head. That's a hell of a challenge, isn't it? Could you build one?
#2 When the man works for Amazon, don't be surprised to see things like these at home
#3 'My brother has always been dreaming of snorkeling with turtles...'
#4 'My husband going shopping with our son.'
#5 'A man I spotted making soap bubbles at a railway station. When he notices me, he whispered “Nobody even suspects adults of doing such things.'
#7 'One of my best friends got married yesterday. His friend was his best man.'
#8 'My dad thought he was alone at home. I had to go downstairs to see what made him laugh so loud.'
#9 'With a baby son playing games is barely possible. That is why I decided to fence myself off.'
#10 'My boyfriend bought a labeler today.'
#11 'My boyfriend loves hiding my face behind a variety of masks.'
#12 'This is how my 32-year-old husband is having a good time in the pool. By the way, we have no children
#13 Men don't grow up. They only change bottles
#15 When you ask your husband to do the shopping and there is a sales in the ice-cream department
#16 'My dad's friend visiting Boston'
#17 ‘My husband caught red-handed. I thought he was doing exercise.’
#18 Some people never grow up
#19 And what do you expect when you marry a man-child?
#20 ‘I was so close to believe that my boyfriend is mature.’
#21 'When I heard my husband order the dog to stay in the kitchen, I walked in there and that's what I saw.'
You can have some good time with them, but you also need to look after them all life long...