Each of Her Employees Got $10,000 and a First-Class Ticket to Any Destination in the World
Imagine your boss stands up and in the middle of a company event and he or she announces that you all get the holidays of your dreams plus $10,000. Unreal as it sounds, this is what happened to the staff of one company.
Sara Blakely and SPANX
Sara used to be a door-to-door salesman selling fax machines. She managed to save some money and in 2000 she started a small company called Spanx.
The road forward
Within 20 years her tiny enterprise selling underwear has grown to become a huge corporation worth $1.2 billion, employing about 500 people. That is why Blakely recently decided to celebrate the success with her employees.
Yet another office party...
At first it looked nothing but another company event. Nobody had any idea what her boss was actually up to.
Suddenly Blakely stood up and asked everyone for attention...
Much to the surprise of everyone she announced that was going to give everyone vacation of their dreams
As part of it, everyone could buy 2 first-class tickets to any destination in the world...
… and $10,000 of pocket money
Disbelief and happiness
At first the crew did not believe what they had just heard. Once they realized it was true, they were in seventh heaven!