Graphic Designer Creates ‘Then and Now’ Photos of Celebrities with Their Younger Selves
There are people in whom the passage of time has a huge impact on how they look and those who seem eternally young. Photographer Ard Gelinck likes to place pictures of celebrities in their youth and now in a single photo.
Here are a dozen celebs with a younger version of themselves…
#1 Justin Timberlake
#2 David Beckham
#3 Janet Jackson
#4 Christian Bale
#5 Selena Gomez
#6 Angelina Jolie
#7 Ed Sheeran
#8 Pharrell Williams
#9 Jennifer Aniston
#10 Jim Carrey
#11 Michael Jordan
#12 Bono
#13 Adele
#14 Harry Styles
#15 Johnny Depp
#16 Drew Barrymore
#17 Cindy Crawford
Who is your favorite?