23 Stunning Sand Sculptures That Children and Adults Will Look at in Awe
While relaxing on the beach, every child enjoys making sand muffins and building huge fortresses. Sand is also loved by artists, who conjure up unique sand sculptures from it. Looking at some of them, it's hard to believe that a gust of wind or sea waves are able to destroy them.
#1 In Rhodes, Sea Monsters Eat Children 😉
#2 Sand Sculpture of a Disgusted Us President by What He Sees
#3 Sand Sculpture of a Mechanical Rhinoceros
#4 Creature With Feathers and Horns
#5 Unique Sand Sculptures That Smell Like Christmas
#6 A Face Drawn in by Moving Sands
#7 Willow E. Coyote Fell up to His Ears in the Sand
#8 Sand Sculpture of Hell
#9 Intricate Construction on the Beach
#10 Sand Sculpture - A Pyramid With an Eye
#11 Star Wars-Inspired Sand Sculpture
#12 Find Your Good Side 🙂
#13 Extremely Realistic Sand Bee
#14 Beach Sculpture Full of Beauty
#15 A Blow Between the Eyes
#16 He Guards His Egg From the Sand
#17 the Frog Gang From the Sand
#18 A Child and His Favorite Toys
#19 Maori Warrior
#20 A Whole Building on the Shoulders of an Octopus
#21 For Toy Story Lovers
#22 A Tower That Bends in Time
#23 Sea Lovers
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