Cleaning the kitchen is really time-consuming, especially when it comes to the oven window. As you know, after baking hundreds of cakes or roasting several pieces of meat, the window does not look good. Cleaning it with a wet cloth will only make it worse. How can you do it quickly without spending hours? Let us present you with one of the easiest ways.
First spread an old towel on the floor to secure its surface. Then cover all holes and apertures with a thick tape.
Open the oven and pour baking soda all over the window.
Fill a spray bottle with mixture of white vinegar and water (1:9)
Spray the mixture onto the window and wait a few seconds
Pour some water into a large dish. Soak a cloth and with round movements clean the window.
Don’t worry if some mixture or baking soda is left on the window. You will only have to swipe it off.
The effects? Just take a look!
If you prefer a more detailed instruction, watch the tutorial. What do you think about this way of cleaning the oven window? ABC easy, isn’t it?