The Secret Function of the Red Piece of a Plastic Champagne Cork. Very Few of Us Really Know What It Is There For

    You never really run out if things to celebrate. Perhaps the only problem is what you can do with the beverage leftovers. Throwing it away is such a waste! Fortunately, the solution to the problem is ABC easy and everyone can handle it easily.

    The Secret Function of the Red Piece of a Plastic Champagne Cork. Very Few of Us Really Know What It Is There For

    Of course the first thing you need to do is to open the bottle. The key thing is the plastic cork – you have to cut off a piece which directly gets inside the bottle


    The cork will be 2-3 mm smaller, but if you don’t trim it, the trick won't work


    Put the cork into the bottle


    Take out the smaller cap


    Pour the champagne. And when all your guests have enough, put the red cap back into the place you took it out from

    Your guests will be stunned with the trick!