Things You Have to Remember about during a Thunderstorm. 7 Important Clues
Now that the summer has come, thunderstorms and heavy rains are more than likely. They pose some risk for you not only outside, but also when you are in. What can you do to stay safe during a storm? What should you never do? There are some things you need to remember when the weather gets extreme. Even if hurricanes are not common in your area, it’s always worth knowing how to protect yourself when nature gets severe.
#1 Unplug everything
When a storm is coming, you have to unplug all devices. The thing is that lightning protection systems will never keep the appliances completely safe when the plugs are in sockets. The cables are very good conductors and the lightening will always find its way anywhere the conductivity is good. It can cause a massive overvoltage even if not necessarily hitting our house directly. It will be enough if our wiring is in the magnetic field generated by the lightning.
Even when the devices are off, wires don’t lose their electric conductivity. That is why even if there is a power cut, still you need to unplug household appliances and electronic devices.
Lightning rods and surge protectors do not guarantee your devices are safe. If a thunder hits a power supply line near your house, not the house itself, the overvoltage will get inside too.
#2 Never ignore weather warnings
You might find weather forecasts irrelevant. Ignoring them, however, is a big mistake. Once someone warns you against a danger, the best thing to do is to follow the advice.
#3 Use candles or torches
When the power is cut off, do not try to switch on the lights as if there was any use doing it. If you know that there is a risk of power cut, get some candles and matches ready. Put them in a place you will easily find in spite of darkness. Of course in case of a longer blackout, don’t forget to put the candles out before you go to sleep. If you don’t feel secure using candles, use battery-powered torches.
#4 Close the windows
It is believed that to reduce the pressure the house structure has to withstand during a hurricane, a tornado or a thunderstorm, the windows should be left open. The truth is that opening the windows poses a risk of object being blown inside, not necessarily preventing the window from breaking. That is why you’d better close your windows when a storm is coming.
#5 Keep away from the fridge
For some of us regular inspection of the fridge contents is always tempting. Somehow it reduces stress and boredom. However, when there is no electricity, remember to open the fridge only if necessary. It will keep the food cool and fresh much longer if it stays closed as long as possible.
#6 Do not use any electronic devices
Put away any electronic device plugged into a socket during a heavy downpour or a storm. This is how you reduce the risk of power shock
#7 Don’t stay close to windows
Thunderstorms might be spectacular to watch. Under no circumstances, however, should you stand close to the windows. You might be hit by a piece of debris, a chunk of soil, a broken branch or stones carried by strong wind.
What should you do when you are outside?
Many of us believe that the best idea is to lie flat on the ground. However, this is a very bad one. When a thunder hits wet ground, the electric charge will hit you with all its force. You should neither stand with your legs apart nor sit. The best thing to do is to squat and hold your feet. Never hide under a tree. Head for a ravine or a valley and hide there.
What should you do when you are in the mountains?
When you are trekking in the mountains, get down as fast as you can to the nearest shelter. Wait until the weather gets better. When the storm is gone, come back to where the hiking trail starts. It is recommended that you leave the shelter not earlier that 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard.
What should we do when we are in a lake or sea?
Get out of water as fast as you can. Then look for shelter. Sail to the port or anywhere else you can hide. Don’t sail, swim or walk along the beach. Water is a good conductor so staying nearby may end very badly for you.
Did you know how you can calculate the distance between where you are and the storm?
If you want to find it out, just count the seconds from the moment you see the lighting until you hear the thunder. Then multiply it by 330 (metres). For example, if you count to three, it means that the storm is about a kilometre away.