22 VIP Chicken Houses! You Can Truly Envy a These Henhouse Masterpieces
Each chicken breeder takes his activity very seriously and tries to provide the best possible housing conditions for his occupants. All according to the principle of - happy hens - better eggs. 😉 Meet the people who treat their birds in a royal way. It is here where the magic happens, take a look at these wonders 😉
1. UFO Landed Its Ship and Lures Future Slaves
2. Always Safer When "Doctor Who" is Around!
3. Charming Hobbit's House. You Can Feel Like in New Zealand
4. Mobile Hen House. After Folding the Stairs, You Can Drive Away
5. Chicken House in a Caravan
6. Mini Hacienda
7. Elegant Poultry House With a Tower and a Catwalk
8. Behind This Gate, Is The Recreation of Jurassic-Hens
9. Tower Worthy of Princess's Dust and Stylish Gazebo
10. Don't Worry, They Are House Trained Hens 😉
11. House Is Made of Eco-Materials
12. Every Hen Will Like the Pastel-Colored Walls and White Fence
13. High Windows Make It Possible for the Birds to Admire the World 😉.
14. The Giant Egg Gives Away That This Colorful Building Is a Poultry House 😉.
15. This Hotel Is Like a "Wild Wild West" Hotel
16. It's Not a Henhouse. It's a Small Village
17. Luxury!
18. Rustic Style
19. Chicken Coop on a Chicken Leg 😉
20. I Hope It Will Not Fly Into the Sky 😉.
21. Balloons and Flowers Add Charm
22. Someone Here Was Extremely Rude 😉.
When you transfer too much of your interest in hens, to your child. For Haloween, he will want to dress up as a rooster!!!
Which of this coops has made you raise your eyebrows?