30 Weird Body Tricks. They Will Make Your Life Easier and They Always Work!
#1 Humming is impossible when your nose is closed
If you close your nose, you can only hum through your mouth. And only when you exhale. The vibrations made with your mouth sound different. With closed nose the hum can't be imitated.
#2 Keep your ears to the ground to hear people better
When you are at a loud concert or in another noisy place, you can reduce the background noise be pressing the tragus inside the ear. Then direct the ear towards your friends. You will be able to hear much more.
#3 Blow at your thumb to calm down
There is a link between your thumb and the vagus nerve inside our body. The nerve is responsible for controlling the blood pulse. When you blow at your thumb, it will slow down the heart rate which will result in reduced blood pressure.
#4 Hold your nose to prevent a sneeze
Pressing the skin around the nose you send a signal to your brain that there is something wrong, which in fact prevents your sneezing. On the other hand, if you want to stimulate a sneeze, look at some bright light.
#5 Put a pencil between your teeth to cheer up
The pencil has got to stick out of your mouth. This works by holding your mouth in a smiling position. The smile itself makes you feel better.
#6 Say 'hoo' to feel colder and say 'haa'' to feel warmer
Keep making these sounds and you see how you will be feeling. You can be really surprised! These sounds are each other's opposites. One is a cooling tone while the other heats you up.
#7 Touch an ice cube with your tongue to stop a hiccup
This old and reliable trick has been passed on from generation to generation. All you do is to press an ice cube against your tongue. The hiccup should disappear soon.
#8 Scratching your ear to soothe the throat tickling
If you stimulate the nerves around your ear, it can result in a muscle reaction in your throat, soothing the tickling there. The reaction is a part of some weird link between your ear and the throat.
#9 Cure reflux sleeping on your left side
When you sleep like that, your stomach is lower than your gullet. It makes it harder for the gastric acid to move upwards. The problem will be gone before you get up in the morning.
#10 Cure the cramps while running with appropriate breathing
You can cure the cramp on your right side while breathing out the air whenever you land on your left foot. This method also works in the other way. IF your cramps are on the left, breathe the air out when you put your right foot down on the ground.
#11 Press your left thumb to get rid of the retch
Just fold it and keep it like you want to keep it warm. Who knows, perhaps the only reason why it works is that it does the sidetracking trick. However, it is believed that there could be scientific explanation, too. Unfortunately, we don’t know the true answer yet.
#12 The elbow skin feels no pain
Pinch the elbow skin as hard as you want. There is no way you will feel anything.
#13 Stop breathing if you can't get up
If you find it really difficult to leave your bed in the morning, holding your breath for some time will make your heart beat faster and your boy will be switched to a far more active and conscious mode. You will notice the difference immediately!
#14 Press your gums to stop nose bleeding
Pressing your gums right above the front teeth stops nose bleeds. It’s about the arteries that supply nose with blood. A slight pressure could help a lot!
#15 Smelling rosemary can improve your memory
It has been scientifically demonstrated that there is a link between rosemary and memory. It's likely to be about stimulating the level of acetylcholine in our brain. Acetylcholine works as a neurotransmitter responsible for creating new memories.
#16 Swallow pills more easily by bending your head forward
This trick is particularly useful when you have to swallow some really big pills. As it seems to be against our anatomy with most people bending their heads backwards, the truth is that bending your head forward you let the pills go straight into the gullet.
#17 If you don't want to swallow something, bite your tongue
The more you stick out your tongue, the harder it is to swallow your saliva. Our tongue is indispensible to have our meal or drink something. Biting it makes this process impossible.
#18 If a part of your body stiffens, shake your head
If you wake up with a 'pins and needles' feeling in your arm or leg, shake your head so that the blood could return to the limb faster. Sometimes some parts of our body stiffen when we sleep because some nerves on our neck get pressed too much.
#19 If you scald your skin while cooking, you have got to press that spot with your fingers. It will restore the natural temperature and prevent forming blisters
#20 You can cheat lie detector by holding your nose
Block your nose and try to blow the air out. You will feel some pressure in your ears. It will also slow down your heart rate, eliminating any symptoms of lies which you are probably telling right now.
#21 Put your hands in cold water to cure a headache
Low temperatures stimulate blood circulation. This is nothing but our bodies resisting the impact of the cold. Our arms have got a number of nerves connected with the brain.
#22 Watch the eye pupils of other people to find out how they feel about you
If they like you, their pupils will go grow – this is a natural signal that nobody can control. It's just beyond our will.
#23 Sit down to defeat dizziness
The cause of most dizziness cases is labyrinth and its diseases. Labyrinth is responsible for our sense of direction. If you hold on to something or just sit down, you will be able to restore your balance. If you feel dizzy, you should avoid any sources of intense light.
#24 If you badly need to go to toilet, think about sex!
If you really need to visit the restroom but you can't, think about sex. Such thoughts naturally take your thoughts of the bladder. And this is the only thing your mind really needs then!
#25 Sex as a cure for headaches
If your partner is around, having sex with him/ her is a very good remedy for your headache. The endorphins released give you a soothing feeling of pleasure. In fact they can come along with some natural anesthetics.
#26 If you want your pupils to open, think about dark spaces
Imagine you are in the dark. Your eyes will act accordingly and your pupils will go bigger. This works in the other direction, too. If you imagine you are looking at some very bright light, your pupils will get smaller. This is the power of our imagination!
#27 Your heart can tell the future
If your heart begins to beat faster, it means that there is something scary or exciting happening. Sometimes this happens 10 seconds before the actual event. Somehow our bodies can anticipate any kind of changes.
#28 Stop your toothache holding ice between your fingers
You don’t need to apply ice on your teeth! Instead, you can hold an ice cube between your thumb and the index finger. It can reduce the pain by half.
#29 Reduce the stress level by laughing
Easier said than done. However, if you spend some time with your friends or watch a comedy, it can work wonders in your struggle with stress. This a natural way to improve your well-being, with no need to take any medications.
#30 Chew gum on the plane to help your ears reduce the pressure
The jaw movements help our body adapt to the pressure changes. It is particularly useful during take-off and landing.