What Ridiculous Things Did You Believe In as a Kid? 15 People Give Away the Things They Were More than Confident about

    What Ridiculous Things Did You Believe In as a Kid? 15 People Give Away the Things They Were More than Confident about

    3:23 AM EDT, May 23, 2024

    For children the world is full of magic and secrets. Only when we grow older do we begin to understand how things actually work and why adults behave the way they do. Do you remember the silly things you believed in as a kiddo?

    A Twitter user called _grimm asked other users about their strange childhood believes. Here come some of the best answers.

    #1 Birds hatch from seeds


    'When I was like 4 or 5m I was sure that birds come from seeds. When my parents asked me to prove it, I sowed a bunch of seeds. The next day there were plenty of birds where I did it, which, of course, proved me right.'

    #2 Frozen peas are candies


    'My parents persuaded me into believing that frozen peas that's candies. After dinner we would always beg them for 'candy pea' and we would run outside to throw it into the air and catch it right into our mouth.'

    #3 All in English


    'I firmly believed that all people thought in English and later translated that into their native languages. I was sure that was required by the law.'

    #4 Money laundering


    “When I was 7 I thought that money laundering was all about putting blood-soaked banknotes into a washing machine to get it clean and distribute it later among the gangsters.'

    #5 The moon is the child of the sun


    'I really thought that the moon was the child of the sun. I was convinced that if the moon was visible at day, it means that it was being naught and had refused to go to bed.'

    #6 Adults can't run


    'When I was 4 – 6 years old, something made me believe that adults couldn't run. When I saw my dad jogging for the first time, I was deeply shocked. I also didn’t understand that there were many running routes, all somehow ending in the same place. That is why I thought that there were several copies of my house.'

    #7 Women are born with babies inside


    'I believed that all women were born with microscopic babies in their bellies. I thought that a baby would go out form my belly in the least expected moment, once I am an adult.'

    #8 Dogs are boys


    “I was sure that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls. Was it because of the cartoons I watched?'

    #9 Pudding with onion


    'My dad told me that chocolate pudding had some onion in it – he didn't want me to eat his portion. I tried chocolate pudding for the first time when I was 16...'

    #10 Drinking and driving


    “As a child I thought that the 'No drinking and driving' ban referred to any kind of drinks while driving. I remember myself yelling at my aunt who had a sip of Pepsi at the wheel.'

    #11 My granddad's double personality


    'I knew that Santa Clause was in fact my granddad (his eyes gave him away). It's just I thought that I was the only person to have discovered my grandfather's double life (like other superheroes'). I would rather die than give him away!'

    #12 Everyone lives up to the age of 100


    'I used to believe that as long as nothing unexpected happens, everybody would live until they are 100 years old. When another child laughed at my beliefs, I would say that they would die first!'

    #13 Teleportation


    “When I was a kid, I thought that a magical power would teleport me to my bed. It was all because no matter where I fell asleep, I would always wake up in my bed.'

    #14 A kiss to get pregnant


    'I thought that when you kissed each other, you could have a baby. When a man and a woman get married, they kiss in front of the altar and then a baby begins to grow in the woman's belly.'

    #15 Manually operated traffic lights


    'I was sure that there was a guy behind all the green and red lights I really believed that he watched the traffic on his screen and decided when you can walk or drive.'

    Did you believe in any of this as a child?