A Library’s Manager Buys Working Stations for Parents and Playpens for Children. A New Era of Looking after Children

    The pandemics made us switch to completely different modes of working with many of us beginning to work from home.

    A Library’s Manager Buys Working Stations for Parents and Playpens for Children. A New Era of Looking after Children


    Supporting parents

    When the number of infections began to soar, many institutions closed down. It was also the case with kindergartens. Barbara Weedman, the manager of a library in Richmond (USA) decided to help parents who have got small children. Many of them were not able to sue the library's resources or the reading room as they had nowhere to leave their kids. And not even a single institution or facility was ready to cater or needs of mums or dads being with their children.


    Desks connected with playpens

    To meet the rising demand Barbara Weedman slightly modernized her library. She did away with the silence obligation and bought some modern furniture, namely the so-called working stations. These are nothing but desks connected with playpens where children can safely play. The furniture was supplied free of charge by TMC Furniture from Michigan who liked the idea a lot.


    Comfortable work with kids at hand

    The stations have got a spot to use a computer and at the same time they offer some privacy for parents and children, too. This is a perfect solution for mums and dads who are not able to perform their professional obligations while working from home.

    The exceptional working stations aroused a lot of interest among American libraries. Also some Japanese cities bought of a few sets for their libraries.

    How did you manage to combine working from home and looking after your children?